Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Since you have been driving out to Colorado and having your vacation, I have been thinking about all our funny memories and thought I would write them down. I keep wondering what kind of memories your girls are going to build on your vacation that they will laugh about some day…

Here are some of mine:
1. Before we would leave for CO we would tuck all our dolls into our beds so they would stay warm and  feel more loved since we were leaving them behind. I always felt bad for the ones that weren't "chosen" poor little dollies!
2. While traveling there we got to take turns sitting in the front behind mom and dads seat on the cooler…no seat belts…crazy that none of the back had seat belts either!
3. Coloring on the magnetic harry man
4. Mom made us that yummy trail mix and her reminding us not to pick out our favorites but to just take out some but why did she put raisens in it?
5. When we got in trouble and it deserved a spanking, how mom would get the fly swatter! what in the world! cracks me up for what a clean freak mom is…makes me wonder if this memory is correct?!
6. On our way back from CO, when the tire had a flat outside of that prison and we all were extremely quiet because dad wasn't to happy
7. When I was joking around and got that plastic cup stuck on my arm and inwardly freaked out

At the Cabin:
1. Going up and down the creek and you convincing us both there was a snake
2. Running from that sheep herders cabin and falling on the way to the jeep because "you saw a snake" I was sure it was chasing me by the way you were screaming…funny that my only memory was falling and seeing your back because you took off!
3. Riding horses with you and mom (your horse almost bucking you off and then it eating weeds and getting choked) the other part is mom retelling the story
4. Hiking behind all the cabins
5. Practicing driving the jeep…mom and dad were so patient to take us out all the time!
6. Trying to find a place to pull over when we met another jeep on the road
7. The whole packrat experience
8. Playing cards for hours and how Mammaw would teach us new games
9. How dad, mom, Mammaw and Popo would stay up later than us and play cards and just wanting to stay up also (lots of laughing, dad saying Mammaw was cheating, and how Popo could never pick up the cards off the table because he had no traction on his fingertips
10. Getting moccasins or a ring for a memory
11. Riding horses with Aimee and her horse tooting in the mountains
12. Your new curling iron + my tropical barbies hair + melted hair on the curling iron = a very mad sister…so sorry!
13. Standing for hours on the front porch waiting for a humming bird to land on our fingers
14. Playing dentist in the green chair
15. Surran wrapping the toilet, "Myrn, I'm going to need some help" and him running after us :)
16. Traveling with Popo in the backseat and his long legs falling on us when he fell asleep
17. Being excited to eat boxed meals and pepsi clear…the smell of breakfast in the cabin and being so cold until the sun finally made it over the mountain into the cabin…

I need to stop thinking about these because it's just now making me sad…
I have been praying that this trip to the mountains would hold great memories for you as a family but also for the girls to be sisters! 
love you,

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